Teljes szöveg:
- TSM napi riport shell szkript @shell:riportok
- | ' min',1,7) as \"RUNTIME\" , case when result=0 then ' 0-Succesfull' when result=4 then ' 4-Skipped Files' when result=8 then ' 8-Warnings' when result=12 then '12-Errors' else cast(result as char(7)) end as \"RESULT\" from event
- Linuxos "cfgmgr" @shell:device_management
- white_out () { BK=""; WH="" if test -n "$1"; then LN=$1; fi declare -i cntr=0 while test $cntr ... scsi_host/host} if [ -f $hostdir/isp_name ] ; then hostname="qla2xxx" elif [ -f $hostdir/lpfc_drvr_version ] ; then hostname="lpfc" else hostname=`ca... ($hostname) found." done if [ -z "$hosts" ] ; then echo "No SCSI host adapters found in sysfs"
- TSM node replikacios iranyt forgato szkript @shell:replikacio
- s temp fajlunk touch $TMP_FILE if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "A $TMP_FILE munkaallomany nem irhato."; exit 1; fi touch $LOG_FILE if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "A $LOG_FILE log allomany nem irhato."; exit... orras node)." ;; -f) shift if [[ -f $1 ]]; then log $white "Valasztott node-ok:" ... ;; esac shift done if [[ $ROTATE ]]; then log $white "Minden $TSMSRV1 szerveren $IF_REP
- Oracle VM CPU pin map @shell:oravm
- cpu_pin_map.log" if [[ -z "$OVM_ADMIN_PASSWD" ]]; then read -s -p "Add meg az oracle VM Manager admin j... p -q "SigIgn:\s.{15}[13579bdf]" /proc/$$/status ; then # nohup esetén ACT_TTY=$(ps -ef | awk "/$$/{i... -p 10000 list manager |grep -c Success) -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Nincs SSH kulcs a CLI-hez, legenera... -p 10000 list manager |grep -c Success) -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Sikertelen. Eddig tartott a
- TSM kliens riport shell szkript @shell:riportok
- AS \"ACTUAL START\", case when e.status='Missed' then '' else TRANSLATE('a bc:de:fg', DIGITS(e.complete... ',' ') end as \"RUNTIME \", case when e.result=0 then ' 0-Successful' when e.result=4 then ' 4-Skipped Files' when e.result=8 then ' 8-Warnings' when e.result=12 then ' 12-Failed' when e.resul
- TSM Auto Deployment planner szkript @shell
- T_TARGET_LEVEL || '.' || N.CLIENT_TARGET_SUBLEVEL then '!!' else 'OK' end as \"OK\", substr(N.PLATFORM_N... ; if [[ $(($J + ${#FEJLEC})) -lt $(tput cols) ]]; then printf " "; fi #printf "\n" J=0 for I in $(seq 1 ... if [[ $(($J + ${#FEJLEC2})) -lt $(tput cols) ]]; then printf " "; fi #printf "\n" for I in $(seq 1 $(tp... l=tab "$SQL_QUERY_DEPLOY_DIR") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then printf "${red}\nNem sikerult lekerdezni,
- Hasznos TSM SQL lekérdezések
- ep '[D]RV02' | wc -l` if [ "$TIME" -eq "2355" ]; then echo "$TIMEA,$DRIVE1,$DRIVE2" >> $STAT ... HEN substr(end_time,1,13)=substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-start_time) WHEN substr(end_time,1,13)>substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,timestamp(concat(date(start_time)... HEN substr(end_time,1,13)>substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-timestamp(concat(date(en
- TSM drive usage riport @shell:riportok
- HEN substr(end_time,1,13)=substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-start_time) WHEN substr(end_time,1,13)>substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,timestamp(concat(date(start_time)... HEN substr(end_time,1,13)>substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-timestamp(concat(date(en... HEN substr(end_time,1,13)=substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-start_time) WHEN substr(
- AIX tape device-ok átnevezése beszédesre konfig állomány alapján @shell:device_management
- MING_CONF_FILE | grep -i -c "$NEW_NUM") -gt 1 ]]; then echo "Redundans eszkoz specifikac... MING_CONF_FILE | grep -i -c "$NEW_WWN") -gt 1 ]]; then echo "Redundans eszkoz specifikac... + ${#NEW_NUM})) -gt 15 && "$NEW_NUM" != "LIB" ]]; then echo "Tul hosszu eszkoznev defini... E | uniq if [[ -e $TMP_FILE && ! "$1" = "-f" ]]; then echo "Ha ennek ellenere futtatni szeretne
- VMware image mentések riportja @shell:riportok
- .env >$OUTPUT_FILE . govc.config if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo "Hiba: nem adtal meg cimzettet! Hely... # if [[ $(($ROWNUM % 2)) -eq 0 ]]; then ROWNUM=$(($ROWNUM+1)); fi if [[ $(echo $INPUT | grep -c '<caption>') -gt 0 ]]; then echo "$INPUT" >> $OUTPUT_FILE.html; eli... $(echo $INPUT | grep -c 'NINCS MENTVE') -gt 0 ]]; then echo "<tr style=\"background-color: #ffa8
- Linux-os lin_tape tape device-ok 'persistent binding'-jat beállító udev konfig fájl generáló szkript @shell:device_management
- UDEVPARAM='ATTR' if [ "${UDEVAPP:0:1}" != '/' ]; then UDEVAPP=`which udevinfo 2>/dev/null`; ... VPARAM='SYSFS' fi if [ "${UDEVAPP:0:1}" != '/' ]; then echo "# Nincs a PATH-ban sem 'udevadm', s... v/##g'` if [[ "$UDEVAPP" =~ "udevadm" ]]; then SERIAL=`udevadm info --attribute-... vi" # if [ "${DPATH:0:1}" != '/' ]; then continue; fi SERIAL=`udevinfo -a
- Shell szkript felderítő szkript @shell
- ad SOR; do if echo $SOR | egrep -s '^\$'; then VARIABLE=$(echo $SOR | sed 's/^.*... ame)_script_catalog.out >$CSVFILE if [[ -d $1 ]]; then STARTDIR="$1" elif [[ -f $1 ]]; then FILE_LISTA="$1" else STARTDIR='/' fi echo... 4,$5,$6,$7}' >> $CSVFILE if [[ -n $FILE_LISTA ]]; then cat $FILE_LISTA > $TMPFILE else f
- TSM kliens log gyűjtő @shell:riportok
- $5} END {print sum}'` if [[ `uname` = 'Linux' ]]; then e='-e'; else e=''; fi # Az echo parancs -e parame... >/dev/null | wc -l | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'` -gt 0 ]]; then echo $e "${BEIGE}OK.$DEFAULT" else ... f "%.0f",$3 * 512 }'` -lt $((LOGMERET / 10)) ]]; then echo $e "${RED}Nincs eleg hely a /tmp/-be... minfo.txt | grep 'dsminfo.txt' if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then echo $e "${RED}Hat, ez nem futott le. Biz
- TSM és OS adatgyűjtő TSM szerver felméréshez @shell:riportok
- STGPOOL_NAME,substr(case when s.devclass='DISK' then s.devclass else s.devclass || ' (' || d.devtype |... ' ',1,6)-1)" if [[ $1 != "-t" && $1 != "-o" ]]; then echo "Hasznalat:" echo "$0 [-t] [-o]" echo ec... xit 1 fi while [ "$1" ]; do if [ "$1" = "-t" ]; then VER=$((`dsmadmc -id=$TSMUSER -pa=$TSMPASS -se... /\1/p' -e 's/\t\s//g'`)) if [ "$VER" = "0" ]; then echo "A TSM szerverre nem tudtam bejelentkezni
- Szkriptelés @linux
- p -q "SigIgn:\s.{15}[13579bdf]" /proc/$$/status ; then echo "Ignores SIGHUP (runing via nohup)" e... #^.*\/##g') if [[ "$A_CURR_SHELL" == "bash" ]]; then exec > >(tee -ia $A_TMP_FILE) exec 2>... _FILE >&2) elif [[ "$A_CURR_SHELL" == "ksh" ]]; then mkfifo /tmp/$$-out-fifo ( exec tee -i... aced with Replacement. If Replacement is omitted, then the first match of Pattern is replaced by nothing