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14 Találatok, Utolsó módosítás:
sh # Usage: ./download_file '' 'java_weekly_495.html' raw_downl...]] ==== Port tesztelés BASH-sel ====... port Windows PowerShell: Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443 ==== NFS okosságok ==== Portcheck ([[
9 Találatok, Utolsó módosítás:
-out-fifo fi forrás [[ kódok ==== ^Exit Code Number ^Meaning ^Example ^Comments^ |1 |Catchall for general errors |let "var1 ... ntation) |empty_function() {} |Missing keyword or command| |126 |Command invoked cannot execute |/dev/null |Permission problem or command is not an executab
4 Találatok, Utolsó módosítás:
1.res <file sh r1.res> #include "drbd.d/global_common.conf"; #include "drbd.d/*.res"; resource r1 {... protocol to use. # C: write IO is reported as completed, if we know it has # reached _both_ ... nsactional data. # B: write IO is reported as completed, if it has reached # local DISK and ... for most cases. # A: write IO is reported as completed, if it has reached # local DISK and