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sql [2018/05/15 17:36] – [Hibakereséshez] adminsql [2019/09/16 16:37] – [Egyéb] admin
Sor 79: Sor 79:
 <file> <file>
-select ORA, sum(USAGE) /(select count(*) from drives where online='YES') from ( \ +select ORA, cast(round(sum(USAGE) / (select count(*) from drives where online='YES')) as dec(4,0)) from ( \ 
-select concat(date(start_time) || ' ',substr(time(start_time),1,2)) as ORA, sum( cast(CASE WHEN substr(end_time,1,13)=substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-start_time) WHEN substr(end_time,1,13)>substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,timestamp(concat(date(start_time) || ' ', substr(time(start_time),1,2) || ':59:59.000000'))-start_time) END as dec(10,2))) /60*100 as USAGE from summary where ACTIVITY='TAPE MOUNT' and start_time>current_timestamp - 24 hours group by concat(date(start_time) || ' ',substr(time(start_time),1,2)) \+select concat(date(start_time) || ' ',substr(time(start_time),1,2)) as ORA, sum( cast(CASE WHEN substr(end_time,1,13)=substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-start_time) WHEN substr(end_time,1,13)>substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,timestamp(concat(date(start_time) || ' ', substr(time(start_time),1,2) || ':59:59.000000'))-start_time) END as dec(5,2))) /60*100 as USAGE from summary where ACTIVITY='TAPE MOUNT' and start_time>current_timestamp - 24 hours group by concat(date(start_time) || ' ',substr(time(start_time),1,2)) \
 select concat(date(end_time) || ' ',substr(time(end_time),1,2)) as ORA, sum( cast(CASE WHEN substr(end_time,1,13)>substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-timestamp(concat(date(end_time) || ' ', substr(time(end_time),1,2) || ':00:00.000000'))) END as dec(5,2))) /60*100 as USAGE from summary where ACTIVITY='TAPE MOUNT' and end_time>current_timestamp - 24 hours group by concat(date(end_time) || ' ',substr(time(end_time),1,2)) \ select concat(date(end_time) || ' ',substr(time(end_time),1,2)) as ORA, sum( cast(CASE WHEN substr(end_time,1,13)>substr(start_time,1,13) THEN timestampdiff(4,end_time-timestamp(concat(date(end_time) || ' ', substr(time(end_time),1,2) || ':00:00.000000'))) END as dec(5,2))) /60*100 as USAGE from summary where ACTIVITY='TAPE MOUNT' and end_time>current_timestamp - 24 hours group by concat(date(end_time) || ' ',substr(time(end_time),1,2)) \
Sor 139: Sor 139:
   SELECT substr(o.stgpool_name,1,25) as STGPOOL_NAME,substr(case when s.devclass='DISK'  then s.devclass else s.devclass || ' (' || d.devtype || ')' end,1,25) as DEVCLASS ,substr(d.library_name,1,20) as LIBRARY_NAME,CAST(FLOAT(SUM(o.logical_mb))/1024/1024 AS DEC(6,2)) as TB FROM stgpools s, occupancy o, devclasses d where s.stgpool_name=o.stgpool_name and s.devclass=d.devclass_name GROUP BY o.stgpool_name,s.devclass,d.devtype,d.library_name ORDER BY o.stgpool_name   SELECT substr(o.stgpool_name,1,25) as STGPOOL_NAME,substr(case when s.devclass='DISK'  then s.devclass else s.devclass || ' (' || d.devtype || ')' end,1,25) as DEVCLASS ,substr(d.library_name,1,20) as LIBRARY_NAME,CAST(FLOAT(SUM(o.logical_mb))/1024/1024 AS DEC(6,2)) as TB FROM stgpools s, occupancy o, devclasses d where s.stgpool_name=o.stgpool_name and s.devclass=d.devclass_name GROUP BY o.stgpool_name,s.devclass,d.devtype,d.library_name ORDER BY o.stgpool_name
 +===Node-ok tárolt adatmennyisége primary poolokban===
 +  select NODE_NAME, case when sum(REPORTING_MB)/1024 < 1024 then sum(REPORTING_MB)/1024 || ' G' else sum(REPORTING_MB)/1024/1024 || ' T' end as PRIMARY_GB from occupancy where STGPOOL_NAME in (select STGPOOL_NAME from stgpools where pooltype='PRIMARY') group by node_name order by sum(REPORTING_MB) desc
 ===Inaktív node-ok, és tárolt adatmennyiségük=== ===Inaktív node-ok, és tárolt adatmennyiségük===
Sor 188: Sor 192:
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +=== Node-ok ütemezései és megőrzési idejei ===
 +select substr(n.node_name,1,20) as Node, substr(n.domain_name,1,15) as "Domain", cast((m.set_name) as char (7)) as Set, \
 +csch.schedule_name as "Schedule", csch.action, csch.options, csch.objects, csch.startdate || ' ' || csch.starttime as START_TIME, csch.period || ' ' || csch.perunits as PERIOD, case when csch.sched_style='ENHANCED' then csch.dayofweek || ',' || csch.enh_month || ',' || csch.dayofmonth || ',' || csch.weekofmonth else csch.dayofweek end as melyik_nap, substr(csch.expiration,1,19) as EXPIRATION, \
 +m.class_name as MgmtClass, cast((m.defaultmc) as char(6)) as Deflt, \
 +cast((verexists) as char(8)) as "VerEx", cast((verdeleted) as char(8)) as "VerDel", \
 +cast((retextra) as char(8)) as "RetEx", cast((retonly) as char(8)) as "Retonly" FROM nodes as n, \
 +mgmtclasses as m, bu_copygroups as c, associations as a, client_schedules csch WHERE a.domain_name = csch.domain_name AND a.schedule_name = csch.schedule_name and n.domain_name=m.domain_name and \
 +m.domain_name=c.domain_name and m.set_name=c.set_name and m.class_name=c.class_name \
 +and m.set_name='ACTIVE' and a.node_name=n.node_name order by n.node_name,n.domain_name,Set,MgmtClass
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