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shell:riportok:napi_riport [2024/01/09 15:25] adminshell:riportok:napi_riport [2024/02/29 09:43] admin
Sor 88: Sor 88:
 SQL_ACTLOG_ERRORS="SELECT substr(char(date_time),1,19) || ' ' || message as MSG from actlog WHERE severity in ('E','S') and msgno not in(2034,1930,1931,0944) and message not like 'ANE%' and date_time>current_timestamp-24 hours ORDER BY msg ASC" SQL_ACTLOG_ERRORS="SELECT substr(char(date_time),1,19) || ' ' || message as MSG from actlog WHERE severity in ('E','S') and msgno not in(2034,1930,1931,0944) and message not like 'ANE%' and date_time>current_timestamp-24 hours ORDER BY msg ASC"
 SQL_REORG_MESSAGES="SELECT substr(date_time,1,19) || ' ' || message as MSG from actlog WHERE msgno in(0293,0294,0317,0318,0336,0337) and date_time>current_timestamp-24 hours ORDER BY date_time ASC" SQL_REORG_MESSAGES="SELECT substr(date_time,1,19) || ' ' || message as MSG from actlog WHERE msgno in(0293,0294,0317,0318,0336,0337) and date_time>current_timestamp-24 hours ORDER BY date_time ASC"
-SQL_HWERR_MESSAGES="SELECT substr(date_time,1,19) || ' ' || message as MSG from actlog WHERE msgno in(8944,8359,8949) and date_time>current_timestamp-24 hours ORDER BY date_time ASC"+SQL_HWERR_MESSAGES="SELECT substr(date_time,1,19) || ' ' || message as MSG from actlog WHERE msgno in(8943,8944,8359,8949) and date_time>current_timestamp-24 hours ORDER BY date_time ASC"
 SQL_COMPARE_PRIMARY_COPY_POOLS="SELECT pooltype,CAST(FLOAT(sum((est_capacity_mb/1024) * pct_utilized / 100)) AS DEC(12,2)) as total_data_gb,((SELECT CAST(FLOAT(sum((est_capacity_mb/1024) * pct_utilized / 100)) AS DEC(18,2)) FROM stgpools WHERE pooltype='PRIMARY') - (SELECT CAST(FLOAT(sum((est_capacity_mb/1024) * pct_utilized / 100)) AS DEC(18,2)) FROM stgpools WHERE pooltype='COPY')) as pending_copy_gb FROM stgpools where pooltype!='ACTIVEDATA' GROUP BY pooltype" SQL_COMPARE_PRIMARY_COPY_POOLS="SELECT pooltype,CAST(FLOAT(sum((est_capacity_mb/1024) * pct_utilized / 100)) AS DEC(12,2)) as total_data_gb,((SELECT CAST(FLOAT(sum((est_capacity_mb/1024) * pct_utilized / 100)) AS DEC(18,2)) FROM stgpools WHERE pooltype='PRIMARY') - (SELECT CAST(FLOAT(sum((est_capacity_mb/1024) * pct_utilized / 100)) AS DEC(18,2)) FROM stgpools WHERE pooltype='COPY')) as pending_copy_gb FROM stgpools where pooltype!='ACTIVEDATA' GROUP BY pooltype"
 SQL_CLIENTO_MESSAGES="SELECT substr(date_time,1,19) || ' ' || message as MSG from actlog WHERE msgno in(2050,2053,2297) and date_time>current_timestamp-24 hours ORDER BY date_time ASC" SQL_CLIENTO_MESSAGES="SELECT substr(date_time,1,19) || ' ' || message as MSG from actlog WHERE msgno in(2050,2053,2297) and date_time>current_timestamp-24 hours ORDER BY date_time ASC"
Sor 640: Sor 640:
         if [ $(echo $TSM_SZERVEREK | wc -w) -gt 1 ]; then echo "> @${TSM_SZERVERNEV[$TSM_SZERVER]}:" | tee -a $TMP_HTML_FILE >> $TMP_FILE; fi         if [ $(echo $TSM_SZERVEREK | wc -w) -gt 1 ]; then echo "> @${TSM_SZERVERNEV[$TSM_SZERVER]}:" | tee -a $TMP_HTML_FILE >> $TMP_FILE; fi
-        dsmadmc -id=$TSM_FELH -pa=$TSM_JELSZO -se=${TSM_SZERVER} -dataonly=y -commadel "$SQL_REFUSED_NODES" | egrep -v '(ANR2034|ANS8001)' | tee -a $TMP_HTML_FILE >> $TMP_FILE+        dsmadmc -id=$TSM_FELH -pa=$TSM_JELSZO -se=${TSM_SZERVER} -dataonly=y "$SQL_REFUSED_NODES" | egrep -v '(ANR2034|ANS8001)' | awk '{print $7" "$8}' | sed 's/([0-9]\+)//' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{printf "%4dx  %-30s %-17s\n",$1,$2,$3}' | tee -a $TMP_HTML_FILE >> $TMP_FILE
 done done