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Sor 40: Sor 40:
 # Konfig resz vege ######################################################################################################################### # Konfig resz vege #########################################################################################################################
 # Hasznalt SQL selectek TSM-hez # Hasznalt SQL selectek TSM-hez
-SQL_Q_FAILED_EVENTS="select substr(e.node_name,1,20) as \"NODE NAME\", e.schedule_name, cast ( SUBSTR ( CHAR ( e.actual_start ) , 1 , 19 ) as char ( 19 ) ) AS \"ACTUAL START\", case when e.status='Missed' then '' else TRANSLATE('a bc:de:fg', DIGITS(e.completed - e.actual_start), '_______abcdefgh_____',' ') end as \"RUNTIME (D HHMMSS)\", case when e.result=0 then '  0-Successful' when e.result=4 then '  4-Skipped Files' when e.result=8 then '  8-Warnings' when e.result=12 then ' 12-Failed' when e.result is NULL then '   -' || substr(e.status,1,12) else ( case when length(cast(e.result as char))=1 then '  ' || cast(e.result as char) || '-' || substr(e.status,1,12) when length(cast(e.result as char))=2 then ' ' || cast(e.result as char) || '-' || substr(e.status,1,12) else cast(e.result as char) || '-' || substr(e.status,1,11) end ) end as \"RESULT\" from events e where (current_timestamp - 24 hours)<e.scheduled_start and e.scheduled_start<current_timestamp and e.node_name is not NULL and e.status not in ('Pending') "+SQL_Q_FAILED_EVENTS="select substr(e.node_name,1,20) as \"NODE NAME\", e.schedule_name, cast ( SUBSTR ( CHAR ( e.actual_start ) , 1 , 19 ) as char ( 20 ) ) AS \"ACTUAL START\", case when e.status='Missed' then '' else TRANSLATE('a bc:de:fg', DIGITS(e.completed - e.actual_start), '_______abcdefgh_____',' ') end as \"RUNTIME  \", case when e.result=0 then '  0-Successful' when e.result=4 then '  4-Skipped Files' when e.result=8 then '  8-Warnings' when e.result=12 then ' 12-Failed' when e.result is NULL then '   -' || substr(e.status,1,12) else ( case when length(cast(e.result as char))=1 then '  ' || cast(e.result as char) || '-' || substr(e.status,1,12) when length(cast(e.result as char))=2 then ' ' || cast(e.result as char) || '-' || substr(e.status,1,12) else cast(e.result as char) || '-' || substr(e.status,1,11) end ) end as \"RESULT\" from events e where (current_timestamp - 24 hours)<e.scheduled_start and e.scheduled_start<current_timestamp and e.node_name is not NULL and e.status not in ('Pending') "
 # HTML kodok # HTML kodok
 HTML_VONAL="<hr align=center noshade style=\"color: #D2D2D2; width: 100%;\" size=\"1\">" HTML_VONAL="<hr align=center noshade style=\"color: #D2D2D2; width: 100%;\" size=\"1\">"
 HTML_MODUL_LABLEC="</pre></div>" HTML_MODUL_LABLEC="</pre></div>"
-HTML_TABLA_FEJLEC="<table style=\"width: 1000px; border: 2px solid #D2D2D2;background-color:#F1F1F1; padding: 15px; font-size: 14px; font-family: courier;\"><tr><td style=\"display: inline; text-align: center\">"+HTML_TABLA_FEJLEC="<table style=\"width: auto; border: 2px solid #D2D2D2;background-color:#F1F1F1; padding: 15px; font-size: 14px; font-family: courier;\"><tr><td style=\"display: inline; text-align: center\">"
 HTML_TABLA_LABLEC="</td></tr></table>" HTML_TABLA_LABLEC="</td></tr></table>"
 # Fuggvenyek, egyeb valtozok # Fuggvenyek, egyeb valtozok