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Include-exclude használat

What you said is the outputs of the command: 'q cloptset' from OC or dsmadmc and you see the include/exclude options in dsm.opt/dsm.sys.

What I said is the outputs of 'dsmc q inclexcl' from client node, which is the real matching order when you run backup.

For example:

1. Run 'q cloptset' from OC:

CHENGH-SP-73> q cloptset
Optionset	Description	Last Update by (administrator)	Managing profile	Replica Option Set
Option	 Sequence number	Use Option Set Value (FORCE)	Option Value
INCLEXCL	0	               Yes	INCLUDE \...\data\...\* TEST_CLASS
INCLEXCL	1	               Yes	INCLUDE \...\meta\...\* TEST_BACKUPMGMT
INCLEXCL	2	               Yes	INCLUDE \...\log\...\* TEST_ARCHIVEMGMT
INCLEXCL    3                      Yes   Include *\...\copyfull* TEST_ARCH2

2. Run 'dsmc q inclexcl …' from client node:

C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\baclient>dsmc q inclexcl -optfile="C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\TDPSql\dsm.opt"
Include All       *\...\*\...\copyfull*          Server
Include All       *\...\log\...\*                Server
Include All       *\...\meta\...\*               Server
Include All       *\...\data\...\*               Server