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A keresés eredményét lentebb láthatod.

Teljes szöveg:

TSM napi riport shell szkript @shell:riportok
41 Találatok, Utolsó módosítás:
as decimal(6,2))) as GB from nodes as nn, summary where (end_time between current_timestamp - 24 hours an... 024/1024/1024 as dec(8,2)) as \"GB\" FROM summary WHERE end_time>current_timestamp-24 hours and activity<... cc_time)) as \"LAST SEEN\" from EVENTS a, nodes b where (a.scheduled_start >=current_timestamp - 3 days) ... 4/1024 AS DEC(10,2)) AS \"Rec. MB\" FROM sessions WHERE SESSION_TYPE='Node' and (current_timestamp - star