Teljes szöveg:
- TSM napi riport shell szkript @shell:riportok
- <!-- Copyright 2005, Sandeep Gangadharan --> <!-- For more free scripts go to /script> </head> EOF function szerverver { I=0 for TSM_SZERVER in $TSM_SZERVEREK; do I=$((I+1)) ... lower:]' '[:upper:]'` # KIMENET="/ $FEJLEC \\" # for I in `seq 1 $(((110-${#FEJLEC})/2))`; do # KIMEN... ellenorzese" | tee -a $TMP_HTML_FILE >> $TMP_FILE for TSM_SZERVER in $TSM_SZERVEREK; do VER=$((
- Linuxos "cfgmgr" @shell:device_management
- return cursor to previous position # (only works for simple strings) # Stores length of string in LN a... ysfs must be mounted findhosts_26 () { hosts= for hostdir in /sys/class/scsi_host/host*; do hos... OSTADAPTER/? must exist findhosts () { hosts= for driverdir in /proc/scsi/*; do driver=${driver... y -o $driver = device_info; then continue; fi for hostdir in $driverdir/*; do name=${hostdir#
- Oracle VM CPU pin map @shell:oravm
- ]'` KIMENET="-=[ ${yel}$FEJLEC${end} ]=-" for I in `seq 1 $((($2-${#FEJLEC}-3)/2))`; do ... ${yel}$FEJLEC${whi} ]=-" printf "${whi}" for I in `seq 1 $2`; do printf '#'; done echo for I in `seq 1 $((($2-${#FEJLEC}-7)/2))`; do ... done echo -e $KIMENET printf "${whi}" for I in `seq 1 $2`; do printf '#'; done printf "
- DB2 HADR beállítás @doksik_leirasok
- DB2_hadr 60010/tpc $ db2 update db cfg for tsmdb1 using HADR_LOCAL_HOST <IP ADDRESS OF STNDBY> $ db2 update db cfg for tsmdb1 using HADR_LOCAL_SVC 60010 $ db2 update db cfg for tsmdb1 using HADR_REMOTE_HOST <IP ADDRESS OF STNDBY> $ db2 update db cfg for tsmdb1 using HADR_REMOTE_SVC 60010 $ db2 update
- Linux okosságok
- nc; force an immediate boot; (you can also use o for poweroff) ==== dm-* device-ok felderítése ==== ... -->" {} \; ==== SCSI (re)scan ==== #!/bin/sh for I in `ls -d /sys/class/scsi_device/*`; do ... ho "1" > ${I}/device/rescan done #!/bin/sh for I in `ls -d /sys/class/scsi_host/host*`; do ... ind / -printf '%u %k\n' | awk '{arr[$1]+=$2} END {for (i in arr) {print i,arr[i]}}' ==== SWAP haszná
- TSM Auto Deployment planner szkript @shell
- C2="written by Peter Agoston" printf "${inv}" J=0 for I in $(seq 1 $(tput cols)); do printf "#"; done; #printf "\n" for I in $(seq 1 $(tput cols)); do printf " "; done; #printf "\n" for I in $(seq 1 $(($(tput cols)/2-${#FEJLEC}/2-${#FE... printf " "; J=$(($J+1)); done; printf "$FEJLEC"; for I in $(seq 1 $(($(tput cols)/2-${#FEJLEC}/2))); d
- TSM drive usage riport @shell:riportok
- while [[ "$DAYS" -gt 0 ]]; do DAYS=$(($DAYS-1)) for LIBRARY in $LIBRARIES; do NUM_OF_DRIVES=$(dsmadm... -rf $TMP_FILE $TMP_FILE.2 # Matrix inicializalasa for J in {1..24}; do for I in {1..24}; do MATRIX[$I,$J]=" " done printf "%02d, 0\n" "... ') COL=$(($NR*2)) MATRIX[1,$NR]=$HOUR for I in {2..11}; do # 10-re kerekites varazs
- Hasznos TSM SQL lekérdezések
- e[0m" function seq { if [ $1 > $2 ] ; then for ((i=$1; i<=$2; i++)) do echo $i done else for ((i=$1; i>=$2; i--)) do echo $i done ... =$(echo $SOR | awk '{print $2}') DRNUM="" for I in `seq 1 $DR_USAGE`; do DRNUM="$DRNUM#" done for I in `seq $DR_USAGE $(($DR_MAXNUM-1))`; do
- Szkriptelés @linux
- sed 's/([^(]*)$/,&/' | awk -F'[,]' '{a[$2]++}END{for(k in a) print $1,k,$3,"("a[k]"x)"}' ==== User in... var matches Pattern, then substitute Replacement for Pattern.| |${var/%Pattern/Replacement} | If suffi... var matches Pattern, then substitute Replacement for Pattern.| |${!varprefix*},${!varprefix@} | Matche... Number ^Meaning ^Example ^Comments^ |1 |Catchall for general errors |let "var1 = 1/0" |Miscellaneous e
- TSM kliens riport shell szkript @shell:riportok
- <!-- Copyright 2005, Sandeep Gangadharan --> <!-- For more free scripts go to iv>" } function szerverver { I=0 for TSM_SZERVER in $TSM_SZERVEREK; do ... ndo TSM sztanza konfigok mukodesenek ellenorzese" for TSM_SZERVER in $TSM_SZERVEREK; do VER=$((... n, ami a TSM_SZERVEREK valtozoban fel van sorolva for TSM_SZERVER in $TSM_SZERVEREK; do KONFIG_FILE
- Include-exclude használat @doksik_leirasok
- b103_2\copyfull\, because match from top down, so For (1), it will match 'Include All *\...\copyfull* Server'. For (2). it will match 'Include All *\...\data\...\* Server' In this page for example, it's stated that evaluation is from bott... is the real matching order when you run backup. For example: 1. Run 'q cloptset' from OC: CHENGH
- Hálózati okosságok @linux
- == netstat -an | awk '/^tcp/ {A[$(NF)]++} END {for (I in A) {printf "%5d %s\n", A[I], I}}' === Há... | %-15s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' echo "# Ethernet:" for ETH in $(ip addr | awk -F': ' '/</{print $2}' | e... int $2}' | tr '\n' ' ') SLAVES="" for BOND in `ls /proc/net/bonding/* 2>/dev/null`; do ... $2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' done #FC echo "# Fiber Channel:" for PORT in $(ls -d /sys/class/fc_host/host*); do
- TSM szerver telepítés @doksik_leirasok
- Archlog, stb...) létrehozása, jogok** * 32 MB for the /var directory * 7 GB for the installation directory * 2 GB for the /tmp directory * 2 GB in the home directory * 2 GB for the shared resources area * Archlog = 3x actlog
- DRBD @linux
- reached _both_ local and remote DISK. # * for critical transactional data. # B: write IO is... local DISK and remote buffer cache. # * for most cases. # A: write IO is reported as comp... cp send buffer. (see also sndbuf-size) # * for high latency networks startup { wfc-timeout 0; d
- VM-ek listázása @shell:oravm
- o 'NAME;OS;IP;VCPU;MEMORY;DISK_SIZE_SUM;NETWORKS' for VM_ID in $(ovm_exec "list vm" "id"); do ovm_c... ${TMP_FILE} | grep -c "Vnic") NETWORKS="" for ((I=1; I<=$VNIC_NUM; I++)); do VNIC_ID=$(... grep -c "VmDiskMapping") DISK_SIZE_SUM=0 for ((I=1; I<$VMDISKMAPPING_NUM; I++)); do VM