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doksik_leirasok:inclexcl [2024/11/26 10:50] – létrehozva admindoksik_leirasok:inclexcl [2024/11/26 11:38] (aktuális) admin
Sor 1: Sor 1:
 ====== Include-exclude használat ====== ====== Include-exclude használat ======
-What you said is the outputs of the command: 'q cloptset' from OC or dsmadmc and you see the include/exclude options in dsm.opt/dsm.sys. 
-What I said is the outputs of 'dsmc q inclexcl' from client nodewhich is the real matching order when you run backup.+Match from top down 
 +If you run dsmc q inclexcl -optfile="C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\TDPSql\dsm.opt", you will see the outputs like the following:
 +(1). '*\...\copyfull*' in TSM Server:
 +  Mode Function  Pattern (match from top down)  Source File
 +  ---- --------- ------------------------------ -----------------
 +  **Include All       *\...\copyfull*                Server**
 +  Include All       *\...\log\...\*                Server
 +  Include All       *\...\meta\...\*               Server
 +  Include All       *\...\data\...\*               Server
 +(2). '*\...\copyfull*' in client option file dsm.opt:
 +  Mode Function  Pattern (match from top down)  Source File
 +  ---- --------- ------------------------------ -----------------
 +  Include All       *\...\log\...\*                Server
 +  Include All       *\...\meta\...\*               Server
 +  Include All       *\...\data\...\*               Server
 +  **Include All       *\...\copyfull*                C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\TDPSql\dsm.opt**
 +Why the above (1) can work, but (2) cannot work?
 +If you run 'select * from backups WHERE node_name='NODE NAME'', you will see the outputs like the following:
 +        NODE_NAME: WIN103_SQL
 +   FILESPACE_NAME: CHENGH-SP-103\data\0001
 +     FILESPACE_ID: 7
 +             TYPE: FILE
 +          HL_NAME: \db103_2\copyfull\
 +          LL_NAME: 1
 +        OBJECT_ID: 1,827,849
 +      BACKUP_DATE: 2/12/24, 17:36:42
 +            OWNER: 
 +      ACTUAL_SIZE: 
 +Actually, the full path is: \data\0001\db103_2\copyfull\, because match from top down, so
 +For (1), it will match 'Include All       *\...\copyfull*                Server'.
 +For (2). it will match 'Include All       *\...\data\...\*               Server'
 +In this page for example, it's stated that evaluation is from bottom up:
 +**- So if I watch it from server side clopt, it's bottom up, if I check it from a client then evaluation is in reverse?**
 +What you said is the outputs of the command: 'q cloptset' from OC or dsmadmc and you see the include/exclude options in dsm.opt/dsm.sys.
 +What I said is the outputs of 'dsmc q inclexcl' from client node, which is the real matching order when you run backup.
 For example: For example: